As mothers, we are as varied as they come. Some of us are full time stay at home moms who excel in all things crafty and homemade. Some of us work part time out of the house, as teachers, lawyers, doctors, or nurses. Some of us work full time and rush home to spend precious quality time with our children before they head off to sleep.
All of us are mothers.
We don’t always agree on certain parenting issues. Our paths may diverge greatly. However, it’s inevitable…we will meet.
Often, our meetings occur at the intersection of worry and pride.
At times it will seem like we are alone in this motherhood journey. We struggle with breastfeeding, stumble through our days, bleary eyed from sleep deprivation, and worry about the pacifier we just popped into our infant’s mouth.
We are not alone.
As different as we may seem, this journey through motherhood is what binds us.
From the moment that pink, delicious, crying, and beautiful bundle is placed in our arms, we enter another world. It’s a world where both vulnerability and unimaginable strength abound.
A world, that honestly, only a mother can know.
Some of us have suffered unfathomable losses and endured excruciating moments when we feel completely helpless. Each one of us has a story to tell.
So, while we should celebrate our differences, we should also rejoice in our similarities.
This journey through motherhood is full of surprises, wrong turns, smooth paths, and bumpy roads. It is also glittered with chance meetings.
Meetings where we will bond with other mothers who have held their breath while watching their child climb that jungle gym, mothers who have knelt all night at their sick child’s bedside, and mothers who struggle with finding balance…just like we all do.
The beauty of motherhood is that we can all find our common ground.
Happy Mother’s Day to all you amazing women, wherever you may be in your journey through motherhood.
In my personal life, I've struggled making friends with other moms, for a large variety of reasons. But through blogging, I've met so many other mothers who understand my experiences and can empathize with the journey.
So beautifully stated Melissa! It is a wonderful journey indeed! Happy Mother's Day to you!
Beautiful post, Melissa! Happy, happy Mother's Day to you!
(One of these days, we'll do that coffee! I saved your email as a reminder to get back to you, but things never seem to slow down, lol!)
Beautifully written! Happy Mother's Day!! Wish we could meet sometime soon!
Wonderful post Dr. Mom!
I am in the toddler stage of motherhood now and I often find myself alone in this journey…being so far away from immediate family and for a number of other reasons as well.
I am grateful to have crossed paths with other moms online who have gone through or are still going through this life changing experience.
Happy Mother's Day Dr. Mom!
When I was pregnant with my daughter, I remember day-time talk shows featuring contentious feuds between SAHMs and moms who work! The real world? I think we all coexist just fine! We realize that different people have different needs, both financial and emotional.
Happy Mother's Day to a hard working mom and pediatrician!
What a beautiful positive post, Dr. Mom! I agree. Motherhood should be about finding the similarities instead of pointing out the differences. We all have the same story to tell in our own unique way. Happy Mother's Day
Melissa, this is just perfect for today…well, for any day really. We really are just all in this gig together, no matter how we manage it or how many children we have.
Happy Mother's Day to you!
What a beautiful post! I hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day!
Happy Mother's Day Melissa.
Well – I'm a day late now.
Great post! I really love this statement "From the moment that pink, delicious, crying, and beautiful bundle is placed in our arms, we enter another world. It's a world where both vulnerability and unimaginable strength abound." and I may quote you on it, if I may! For me, this new world was the most remarkable thing about motherhood. Everything I heard about parenthood before sounded slightly cliche, but appealing…I thought "Sign me up! …unconditional love….most rewarding job you'll ever have….see life afresh through the eyes of a child…check, check, and check! Sounds fabulous!!" It was amazed how this new world had recognizable elements from my past, but it really was a brand-new place, because I saw everything differently, and I was different. The awareness of my vulnerability, the unexpected fears and worries, the entire shift of perspective truly shocked me, as did the glimpses I have had of my strength, my endurance, and of the depths of my heart.
Just stumbled upon your blog now and I will definitely enjoy following a bit! (I am a busy mama like you and don't get much computer time
It will be interesting for me to see the blend of the professional and personal, as well, as I am a pediatric physical therapist!
When I was single I never understood why moms loved to hang out with other moms so much. Then I got married and understood it a little more. Then I had children.
Although I want to be careful not to abandon my childless friends, it's been so, so important to me to connect with other moms – online and in person. we need each other don't we. And you're right – it's a bond that crosses so many boundaries. There IS always common ground if we're looking.