Confessions of the Week

I’ve been on edge ever since Tuesday, the day my laptop decided to die. I was cut off from blogging and writing and that really put me in a bad mood. This could possibly explain the tone of this confessional post.

My apologies for any lingering angst.

I tried not to act like it was the end of the world, but I found myself completely agitated. And believe me, no one wants agitated mommy walking around amongst them.

Thankfully, the hubs understands this and he is all over it. He has found me a temporary fix (there are way too many wires involved), and is in hot pursuit of a suitable replacement.

*Huge sigh of relief over here.*

So, here goes…my top 5 confessions of the week:

1.  Apparently, I’m only allotted a finite amount of patience for each day. It seems to run out right around bath and bedtime.

2.  I’ve seriously fantasized about paying someone good money to put the kids to bed. Meanwhile, the hubs and I would be downstairs, decompressing, relaxing, and awake; instead of collapsing in exhaustion after all is said and done.

Just a couple of days out of the week. That would be nice.

3.  I still resort to the countdown when my kids aren’t listening. You know, the whole 1…2…3… in a stern and low voice. I don’t know why, but for some reason it still works.

4.  I used to shut down any and all “poop” talk at the dinner table. Then, the other day, Big Brother and Little Sister were laughing so hard at each other as they took turns using “poop” in a variety of ways. They were bonding…so I let it slide.

I even giggled a little.

5.  I want a housekeeper. There. I said it.

Any confessions of the week that you’d like to get off your chest? I would love to hear them.

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18 Responses to Confessions of the Week
  1. SmartBear
    May 27, 2011 | 4:45 am

    My confession? All I want for my birthday this weekend is an entire weekend to myself.
    I hear ya on the bedtime routine…and I have "just one".
    I have a housekeeper. Get thee one. Stat.

  2. Alex
    May 27, 2011 | 5:13 am

    Your going to laugh at my 5 confessions.

    1. I want a maid
    2. I want a chef
    3. I want a maid
    4. I want just one day to sleep in past 7a.. just one
    5. I want a maid.

    I'm not ashamed :)


  3. Terri
    May 27, 2011 | 7:52 am

    I too want a housekeeper.
    2 days ago I asked hubby if I could call a taxi to take Little Man to school
    I thought the finite amount of patience was all in my head (glad to hear it's not just me)
    I wanted to spend Mother's Day off on my own (I didn't get too, but really wanted to).

    Good luck with the hunt for a new laptop!

  4. Erica
    May 27, 2011 | 10:16 am

    Absolutely get a housekeeper.

  5. Laura@OutnumberedMom
    May 27, 2011 | 10:39 am

    Get a housekeeper — once every two weeks or something. Just do it!

    And that bedtime thing? Take turns with Dad…at least for awhile. You'll probably miss it soon.

    Hmm…I'm thinking about which of those confessions I want to put in print… HA.

  6. Nathalie Brown
    May 27, 2011 | 3:07 pm

    I would like a fulltime night nurse for my mum at home as Mum's Alzeihmers has her up atleast 4 times during the night.

    I would love a live in housekeeper who can also cook

    I would love some help in the office

    But I do love my family and work heaps :)

  7. Barbara Manatee
    May 27, 2011 | 7:59 pm

    I am glad I'm not the only one who feels like you do in #1! I dread bath time. I don't mind bed time if I could skip bath time.

    I truly wanted to hire someone to clean our house. We even asked a friend to give us the # of her cleaning lady and she came out to consider it but turned it down due to not enough time in her schedule. Soooo bummed…I'd much rather spend time with my kids and doing things we want to do than spend the weekend cleaning!

  8. Cheryl D.
    May 27, 2011 | 9:08 pm

    Yay! I hope you get a cleaning lady! You work part-time as a pediatrician! You shouldn't have to clean your own house!

    There, I said it! ;P

  9. Katherine
    May 27, 2011 | 10:15 pm

    Oh, I want a housekeeper. It's one of my biggest fantasies.

    During a recent trip, my boys were sharing jokes about underwear and poop. They were making each other laugh so hard they could barely breathe. I, too, let it slide, first because it was better than the "he's touching me!" that had been happening, and second, because they were bonding. Even if it was over bathroom jokes.

  10. Olusola
    May 28, 2011 | 7:43 am

    I'll have the maid and a deep tissue massage thank you very much

  11. Paula @ Simply Sandwich
    May 28, 2011 | 9:10 am

    Melissa – I am living proof that you WILL survive the nightime chaos routine. It does get better with time! Also, when I began caring for my mom, I got a cleaning service two times a month because I just. could. not. do. it! It really helps with the patience department too because that is one less way you are being stretched! :)

  12. Kimberly
    May 28, 2011 | 10:59 am

    HA! My patience wears off as soon as my toddler wakes me up at 6am demanding pancakes for breakfast.

  13. Eat. Live. Laugh. and sometimes shop!
    May 28, 2011 | 3:27 pm

    You NEED a housekeeper. I'd suggest twice a week so she can also help with laundry.

    Don't waste your mom on someone to put your kids to bed. Continue to count in the low stern voice. It works for me still. And now my kids are old enough that we just tell them to go upstairs, shower and get ready for bed. I swear it was only yesterday I was in your shoes.

    The days are long but the years are short.

  14. Lexie Loo & Dylan Too
    May 28, 2011 | 7:44 pm

    I want a housekeeper too! 😉

  15. Sorta Southern Single Mom
    May 29, 2011 | 4:17 am

    I'm with you on 1, 2, and 5! I have never gotten much joy out of bathtime! My confession this week: I totally blushed with pride when a fellow teacher said to me, "If I could have a whole class full of your son, my job would be a whole lot easier!" Apparently even teachers aren't immune!

  16. JDaniel4's Mom
    May 30, 2011 | 11:22 am

    I would like to hire someone to poop train JDaniel.

  17. Liz
    May 31, 2011 | 12:43 pm

    Get a housekeeper! You deserve it.!

    I totally agree on the set amount of patience thing. And it always drains faster when daddy is out of town.

  18. Lady Jennie
    June 1, 2011 | 12:15 pm

    Why, my baby is screaming right now about being put to bed and I sit here chuckling, shaking my head indulgently. NOT. I am low on patience that's for sure.

    By the way, there are lots of cases of Scarlet Fever over here. I thought that was a "dead" illness.