Author Archives: Melissa

From babies to teens: 5 car seat safety tips worth knowing

I’m a stickler when it comes to car seat safety. I figure, we’re in the car for so many hours out of our days, it’s best to be up to date on the latest safety recommendations. These are the top 5 tips I tell parents daily. A little preparation upfront and you can rest assured…

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On the constipated child: breaking a vicious cycle

When your child is constipated, it hurts. Aside from the common cold and ear infections, constipation is one of the most common complaints at both well and sick child visits. It causes abdominal pain, frustration (for both parent and child), and guilt. As parents, we often assume responsibility for these sorts of things. Hard, painful…

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On the evolution of summer and letting go of busy

I have to admit, the first couple weeks of Summer was rough. The kids were thrilled to be on “summer vacation” and were acting a little crazy. For us parents, there’s still work, schedules, and daily routines that keep everything running (somewhat) smoothly. We butted heads on pleas to stay up later, the kiddos kicked…

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Crashing Down

(A special re-posting. As I take a little blog break, this post came to mind after recent events both personal to me and those that others have endured. This absolutely frames my perspective when it comes to parenting and I get mired in the every day. When I stop to reflect, I realize (as I’m…

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A letter to my son about his little sister

Little sisters are the best. No wait…4 year old little sisters are the best. No…wait…if you happen to be a certain 7 year old Big Brother, your Little Sister is the best. Case in point… When you accompany me to pick up Little Sister from preschool, she immediately spots you, takes off running towards you…

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In the blink of an eye

It’s true what they say… …accidents happen in the blink of an eye. They do. It’s cliche. But when it comes to children (toddlers in particular) and water, it’s tragically true. Already in our area, this past week has seen 1 toddler drown in their backyard pool and one in critical condition after falling into…

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Summer, Swimming, and Swimmer’s Ear

Although it’s not officially summer yet, it sure feels like it around here. Kids and adults alike are headed for the pools and with that, we typically see an increase in cases of Swimmer’s Ear (aka Acute Otitis Externa). If you or your child has ever had this, you know it can be quite painful…

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