Author Archives: Melissa

The time I put my baby down and walked away

As mothers, we are pretty much hard wired to respond immediately (sometimes even before) when our baby starts crying. Is he hungry? In pain? Does he have a dirty diaper? Does he just need me to hold him, talk to him, or let him be? We go through this mental checklist within seconds as we…

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Media Detox

I thought our little family was doing pretty darn good when it came to moderating screen time. I mean, I have always been very intentional about our kids and TV viewing; and up until this past Christmas no one owned any handheld gaming device or iPad. My iPhone is still relatively new to me and…

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Nature: a child’s perfect playground

So we recently returned from an amazing 3 day family vacation in Yosemite. And, if you’ve ever been to Yosemite, you know just how beautiful and breathtaking it is. Our kids were in heaven. Not only did they get to spend most of the day outdoors, they were surrounded by cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents….

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Babies and spit up: is this normal?

I cannot tell you how often I hear this question. Almost all babies spit up at one time or another and parents worry how much is too much and whether or not we need to do something about it. So, here’s the lowdown on babies and spit up. The first thing to know is we…

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On making room for two: Growing Pains of the Heart

When Natalie from Mommy of a Monster & Twins asked me to share a mommy moment with her and her readers, I immediately knew what I was going to write about. I just didn’t know how I was going to do it. It’s something I haven’t written about yet, as recalling that moment still hurts…

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Time for teens: boys, puberty, and breasts

Dear Dr. Mom My 13 year old son has a tender lump under his left breast. He’s had it for the last 3 months. Should I be worried? When boys enter puberty, something very common can happen…they can actually develop some breast tissue on one or both sides. This is called gynecomastia and occurs in…

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No more bedtime battles…I hope

We’re doing a little experiment over here. Actually, it’s not so little. It was quite a huge undertaking over the weekend. But you see, we’re a little desperate. Once again. For sleep. For our protected adult time that doesn’t entail falling asleep with our kids. Every.single.night. Admittedly, we cuddle our kids to sleep every night….

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