Author Archives: Melissa

Is your carpool safe?

Now that I have school age kids, carpooling and play dates after school are common occurrences. I’ve run into a few snags when trying to arrange pick-ups and drop offs among our friends, and they consistently center around one item…the car seat or booster. Do you have an extra one? Is there space for a…

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Leaving, letting go, and irrational thoughts

So the hubs and I are planning a night away. Our first without the kids. It’s been almost 7 years, and not a night at least one of us hasn’t tucked them in, read books, sang some songs, and drifted off to sleep right by their side. I’m both incredibly excited and extremely anxious about…

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Not all pink eyes are created equal

I get so many questions from parents about “pink eye”. Mostly it goes like this: “ewww…I hope it’s not pink eye!” Pink eye is one of those afflictions that causes us to squirm, think “oh no!”, and inspire us to wash our hands a million times throughout the day. Most of us tend to hide…

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Is it ever okay to spank your child?

This was a question posed to me by a mom in clinic recently. She had her hands full with a very active and independent toddler (aren’t they all?) and was wondering how I felt about spanking. I won’t beat around the bush here…my answer was, and is, a resounding No. Not ever. Not even a…

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From the trenches: 5 parenting strategies that work

In my most recent blog post, I vented about the maddening reality that parenting comes with no guarantees. It’s on those days when we’re sorting it all out, learning, and growing as parents that we question ourselves the most. It’s inevitable and par for the course in the roller coaster ride that is parenting. Highs,…

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Parenting done “right”…a bitter pill to swallow

So I went to bed angry last night. Okay, not so much angry as frustrated and sad. And I really wanted to have it resolved before hitting the sheets, but you know…I was exhausted. I’m not talking marriage counseling here, though hubs and I were equally frustrated and starting to turn on each other. I’m…

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Baby Skin 101: Cradle Cap

Babies come with their own unique set of dermatologic conditions that can baffle any new parent. Whole books have been devoted simply to recognizing and treating (or not) the myriad of skin conditions and birth marks we often see popping up on their newborn delicate skin. The good news is, most newborn skin conditions are…

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