Author Archives: Melissa

The secret hideout or Why you should stay close when your child has a meltdown

I don’t know what it is these days, but come 4:30/5:00 meltdowns seem just another part of our busy day. This particular day wasn’t any different. Except it was. Perhaps it was the much needed Thanksgiving break. Whatever it was, I was seeing/hearing/feeling much more clearly. So here we are, 4:30 on the nose, plopping…

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Unplug. Play. Connect. Repeat.

Thankful for today. For family and friends near and far. Thankful to be surrounded by those I love and those who love us. A perfect day to unplug. Bask in the familiar sounds of family. To laugh, play, and connect with each other. To ditch our distractions and just be. Build a fort of pillows,…

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What’s the best way to take my child’s temperature?

I recently received a message from a friend wanting to know the best way to take her child’s temperature. She felt like her child was burning up, but her ear thermometer only read 101 F. My friend was certain by looking at her child (who was feeling pretty lousy) and doing the “kiss on the…

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Parenting and the power of forgiveness

She fell asleep before we could exchange our apologies. The sun was already setting on our long, hectic day and dinner had yet to be served. Hunger and fatigue, the common bewitching hour triggers, took hold of us all. And tantrums were had. Right there in our car, still far from home. I vacillated between…

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Too sick for school?

In the rush that is a weekday morning, it can be very difficult to decide in those scarce few moments if your child is well enough for school. Is it simply morning grogginess? A mild sniffle and sore throat? Or, is it something more? I’ve been led astray myself. I recall one particular cold winter…

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My kid is a lot like your kid

*This is a special guest post by mom and pediatrician, Dr. Abbie Smith* I am a fellow Dr. Mom like Melissa. I am slightly different from Melissa in that I have a child who just happens to have been born with Down syndrome. Since October is National Down syndrome awareness month we thought it would…

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On Autism and the ever shifting landscape of parenthood

*A special guest post by mom and pediatrician, Dr. Denise Somsak.* Mom on Stand By The beginning of each school year is busy for all parents as we juggle not only the material needs of our children like new clothes, back packs, school supplies but also their emotional needs.  Are we too involved, too demanding,…

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