Category Archives: children’s health

Can Co-Sleeping Be Done Safely?

The co-sleeping (or bed sharing) debate rages on, and for good reason. We (pediatricians and parents alike) want to keep our babies safe. With this most recent article on  sleep safety and co-sleeping however, the conclusion seems a bit misleading. The unsafe sleep practices cited in this article, such as loose bedding, pillows, or sleeping…

A Sleepwalker Among Us

A reader recently wrote in to me, wondering how she should handle her son’s sleepwalking episodes. She says they occur several times a month. Mostly though, she just wants to know “how to handle the moments when he is standing in our room completely out of it.” I can completely understand how unnerving that must be….

Growing Up Can Really Hurt

Dear Dr.Mom Are growing pains real? My older daughter has had them for years. They are always at night, always in her legs, and sometimes the pain brings her to tears. What can I do for her? —Tara Yes, growing pains are a real condition that can affect 25-40% of children between the ages of…

The Why, When, and How of Pacifier Weaning

Oh the pacifier. As parents, we seem to have a love/hate relationship with the silicone soother. At the start of my parenting journey, I was not a fan. But then…I gave in and popped one into my newborn son’s mouth. And you know what? It worked. I still harbored some negative feelings about that plastic…

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Not All Pink Eyes are Created Equal

For today’s Ask Dr.Mom, I’ll be talking about pink eye. I get so many questions from parents about this, mostly it goes like this: “ewww…I hope it’s not pink eye!” Pink eye is one of those afflictions that causes us to squirm, think “oh no!”, and inspire us to wash our hands a million times…

Fevers in Children…When to Treat

Dear Dr.Mom My 13 month old daughter has a fever, should I give her a fever reducer? I’ve been hearing so many conflicting opinions. What should I do? —Yuliya Fever is one of those things in our children that triggers a natural response from us as mothers…we want to treat it. Even I have been…

Strep Throat Dilemma

Dear Dr. Mom, I have a situation with strep that is making me crazy! My 12 year old has had strep at least 12 times in the past 8 months. Each time we treat with antibiotics. We’re REALLY good about following the dosing directions. Yet, at least half the time, the first round of antibiotics…