Category Archives: children’s health

The DOs and DON’Ts of Preparing Your Child for Shots

—Dear Dr.Mom My son is going to be 5 in May. At his well child visit, he’s going to have to get a bunch of shots. Is there any way I can prepare him for this? I don’t want him to be surprised at the doctor when the needles come out, but I also don’t…

Over at Pediatric Safety

Just in case you missed it yesterday, I had my first post up over at Pediatric Safety. This is a wonderful site headed by Stefanie Zucker who is a passionate crusader for child safety and health. Her and her colleagues spearheaded the development of the first ever ambulance child seat and created the cause, Ambulances…

Vaccines and Trying to Bridge the Gap

Seattle Mama Doc, also known as Dr. Wendy Sue Swanson has launched a series of posts this week centering around vaccines and how we as pediatricians can better represent them to parents especially when faced with the fear of vaccines that seems so prevalent today. This amazing series of posts that include responses from over…

Spoonful of Sugar Please

Today’s Ask Dr.Mom’s post deals with the dreaded medicine struggle. What to do when faced with a crying child absolutely refusing to take her medication? I’m no Mary Poppins but I’ve got some tips to share. Dear Dr.Mom My daughter needs to take antibiotics but she is giving me such a hard time. Is there…