Category Archives: children’s health

Cold and Flu Season: The ABCs of Prevention and Treatment

Fall is upon us and with the cool, crisp days and freshly stocked backpacks, we all know that flu and cold season is not far behind. It’s inevitable. Back to school means back to treating and preventing those viruses responsible for the common cold and flu. My kids know the drill: wash your hands before…

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From concussions to heat stroke: 5 common sports related injuries in kids

With another school year just around the corner, our children will soon be balancing homework and time on the field. Football, soccer, gymnastics, or dance; whatever your child’s sport of choice, it’s important to be mindful of common sports injuries. Knowing what our children are at risk for and how best to handle these injuries…

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Potty training traps and setting yourself (and your child) free

Potty training seems to incite fear and stress among parents. And with all the horror stories we read and hear from family, friends, neighbors, etc…it’s no wonder. It doesn’t help that there’s a stark paucity of science to support one strategy over the other. Even timing is up for debate. So, what’s a potty training…

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On the constipated child: breaking a vicious cycle

When your child is constipated, it hurts. Aside from the common cold and ear infections, constipation is one of the most common complaints at both well and sick child visits. It causes abdominal pain, frustration (for both parent and child), and guilt. As parents, we often assume responsibility for these sorts of things. Hard, painful…

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Summer, Swimming, and Swimmer’s Ear

Although it’s not officially summer yet, it sure feels like it around here. Kids and adults alike are headed for the pools and with that, we typically see an increase in cases of Swimmer’s Ear (aka Acute Otitis Externa). If you or your child has ever had this, you know it can be quite painful…

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Before I go to bed

I was thinking I should write about the new strain of Hand, Foot, and Mouth disease that seems to be hitting our area pretty hard. Little ones coming in with fever, drooling, not wanting to eat, and the most distinctive and intense red, blistery rash that I’ve seen to date with regards to this viral…

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7 ways to maximize your child’s health

When discussing the health of our children, the big picture perspective is hugely important. We often (I included) get side-tracked or preoccupied with specific symptoms or worrisome habits in our children. We want to know why those pesky ear infections keep coming back or why our kindergartner can’t seem to sit still for more than…

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