Category Archives: children’s health

The time I put my baby down and walked away

As mothers, we are pretty much hard wired to respond immediately (sometimes even before) when our baby starts crying. Is he hungry? In pain? Does he have a dirty diaper? Does he just need me to hold him, talk to him, or let him be? We go through this mental checklist within seconds as we…

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Babies and spit up: is this normal?

I cannot tell you how often I hear this question. Almost all babies spit up at one time or another and parents worry how much is too much and whether or not we need to do something about it. So, here’s the lowdown on babies and spit up. The first thing to know is we…

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Colds vs. Allergies: how do you know?

Happy first day of Spring! Though you wouldn’t know it in my neck of the woods. I think we already had spring and are now back to winter. Crazy weather. Regardless, with this crazy and constantly changing weather, seasonal allergies start cropping up and during this transition from winter to spring, it can often be…

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Ask Dr. Mom: My toddler walks “funny”

Dear Dr. Mom, Ever since my daughter started walking at 11 months, I’ve noticed that she walks “funny”. I’ve been told that she is just “bowlegged” and that it will get better with time. Still, I can’t help but worry whether or not this is true. She really does look a little funny toddling around…

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Save that macchiato for Mama, baby

When I first read about some parents in Brooklyn serving up babyccinos to their tots, I have to admit, I thought…really, do we need to be serving our tots coffee? Just like us? However, the accompanying video of the little girl enamored with her babyccino, complete with rainbow sprinkles did make me smile. It was…

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Baby love: soothing your fussy and gassy baby

I recently saw a new mom in clinic. Her chief complaint was written out like this: Baby is gassy and fussy. Mom is worried. Not sleeping well. When I walked into the room, I saw a visibly tired young mother. Adorable babe nursing happily. Mom was near tears as she started to speak. Apparently, for…

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Dear parents, I support sleep…that is all

I’ve been reading and hearing about sleep issues all over the place lately; on facebook, on twitter, in my inbox, in various blog posts, and in clinic. I’ve heard and read: I feel like a failure, my 3 year still doesn’t sleep through the night. I’ve somehow failed my child, she can’t sleep unless she’s…

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