Category Archives: children’s health

Understanding the impact of food allergies on children and their families

Imagine for a moment that a quick trip to the grocery store can never be possible again. The problem isn’t the squirmy toddler and overtired kindergartner you must appease. The monumental task is that you must check every single label of every single item that goes into your cart. Imagine that a fun birthday party…

What is Fifth Disease?

Recently I saw a 7 year old boy in clinic who was brought in by his mother. His school sent him home due to a “very concerning” rash on his face and they wanted him to be seen by his pediatrician. I walk into the exam room to find a happy boy smiling back at…

Doctor, is it the flu?

We’re enjoying a true, crisp Fall day today and it’s absolutely lovely. Yes, I forgot my coat and shivered while walking my children to their classes (thankfully, I remembered theirs), but I’ve been waiting for Fall….and it’s finally here! With Fall and Winter comes plenty of colds and of course, the dreaded flu. I often…

5 Tips for Keeping those Baby Teeth Healthy

Taking care of those precious baby teeth matters. Aren’t they going to lose them anyway? Well, yes they will. No matter how hard we try, the tooth fairy will manage to snatch those prized baby teeth. However, the health of those first teeth is important in the long term health of our children’s “big kid”…

If your child were choking, would you know what to do?

A friend of mine recently reminded me how quickly and easily it is for children under the age of 4 to choke. She had quite the scare the other night with her 3 year old when he began choking on a piece of hard candy. He panicked. She panicked. They called 911 and made a…

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Coughs and Congestion: Thinking outside of the medicine cabinet

Cold and flu season has descended upon us. As parents, we are always inclined to “do” something for our children when they are sick. It’s our innate instinct. We want them to feel better. However, relieving their symptoms and nursing them back to health does not always mean reaching into our medicine cabinet. In 2008,…

Croup: What parents can do and when to worry

If you’ve ever had a child with croup, you know that telltale, harsh, barking cough well. It’s unnerving and unmistakable. And usually, the worst of it happens at night, when you’re bleary eyed, exhausted, and full of worry. Parents primarily want to know what they can do for their child in those midnight hours and…

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