Category Archives: motherhood

Forget the Mommy Wars, Offer Support Instead

I was just thinking the other day how much I need my mom friends. The ones I’m fortunate enough to have in real life and the ones (you) who come here, read, offer support, share your stories, and commiserate at times. All of you moms are incredibly important to me. It doesn’t matter to me whether…


Sore throat. Cough. Aching body. Tired. I’m sick. I don’t mean to complain but this mom is down for the count. However, as you know, moms don’t get sick days. Big Brother still has to get dressed and get to school on time. Little Sister has gymnastics and a special coffee date with her best friend….

The Sweetest Thing

I don’t know what it is lately, but I feel we’re in a phase over here. A phase that I do not want to end. A time in our children’s lives in which I’m acutely aware will be ending too soon. We are in the cuddling at bedtime phase. Well, we’ve actually been in this…

How Parenting Advice is Like GPS

Driving through narrow, winding roads on a wet and cold afternoon, I wonder (silently) if we are going the right way. After our second near miss of a head on collision, I speak up. “This doesn’t seem right”, I finally say, more than a little perturbed. “I know, but the GPS says we’re almost there.”…

Pillow talk

When it comes to bedtime around here, I am all business. I can’t seem to help myself, the orders just come flying out of my mouth. Time for PJs, go potty, brush your teeth. Okay, let’s read a couple of books, say prayers, sing a song, then lights out. Night night, I love you and…

Dance With Me

It’s 4:30 in the afternoon, I’m trying to get dinner started because if my children don’t have food in front of them by 5pm, they act like they’re starving. It’s these evening hours, the witching hours no doubt, that can drive us all a little insane. The kids are tired, hungry, and…grumpy. Never a good…

Check Your Judgement at the Door…please

It has been awhile since I’ve entertained you with some of my mothering blunders. So, without further delay, here are some lowlights from my adventures in parenting. I may, or may not have… …used up a whole box of wipes cleaning my child in lieu of giving him a bath. …actually uttered the phrase “if you two…