Category Archives: parenting

Just Drive

I love driving at night. Let me rephrase that, I love being driven around at night by my husband with the kiddos snuggled quietly in their respective car seats. These night time drives have become a ritual of sorts for our family. Whenever I feel the need to break up the monotony of the bed…

Ask Dr.Mom

My dear readers, I need your help and advice. I am considering doing a weekly Ask Dr.Mom feature where you submit your questions and I choose one or two to highlight and answer in a blog post. This would be done every Wednesday and would include your question and my viewpoint on the particular topic…

Teething Bites

Oh, teething. This is one aspect of my son’s babyhood that I gladly leave behind. I vividly remember the sleepless nights, the fussiness, and the decrease in his appetite. The appearance of his first pearly whites caused him nothing but distress. It was no fun at all. I often struggled to find ways to console…

The Doctor is In

At least I will be for two mornings a week now. After a week of serious contemplation, I’ve finally made a decision regarding my own personal Crossroads. Thank you for all of your wonderful support, advice, and encouragement. I really have taken every single comment to heart. You have helped me more than you know….

Scrunchy Mama

“Mom, you were mad.” “Yeah, I was. Sorry.” “You were scrunchy.” “You mean grumpy?” “No, scrunchy.” Little Sister scrunches up her little face then continues on brushing her teeth. This was the conversation between me and Little Sister just moments after the incident that turned me into…well, apparently…Scrunchy Mama. It was bed time and I…

The Picky Eaters Club

Having a picky eater seems to be the norm these days. I’d almost dare to say that children between the ages of 2-7 more often than not wind up in the picky eater category. Why oh why the sharp jump in membership of The Picky Eaters Club during this time? Researchers believe it could be evolutionary….


I’m at a crossroads. Nothing life shattering. Nothing new. Certainly something we’ve all dealt with at one time or another. Nonetheless, it’s a crossroad and I’m trying to figure out which way to go. I’ve already mentioned how fortunate I am to be home with my kids right now. Extremely fortunate, this I know. I…