Category Archives: parenting

Guest Post…Generation X Mom is Talking Birthdays

I’m so excited and honored to have Dalia from Generation X Mom here today.  If you have yet to discover Dalia’s gem of a blog, I encourage you to check it out today. Her blog is more like a forum.  She seems to have her finger on the pulse of parenting hot topics and she…

Lessons From The Yogurt Lady

Poor yogurt lady, She has no idea I keep harping on her, but surprisingly, I learned a few things from her.  (By the way, that’s an olive branch…I’m extending it.)  If you have no idea who I’m talking about, click here, for the juicy details about our grocery store mishap. Okay, here’s what I learned: There are…

Toys Are For Sharing and Hands Are For Holding

If you happened to miss my Tuesday post, I touched upon the dreaded sibling rivalry (a term I am not fond of) and vowed to hang up my referee hat and see what happens.  So here is my Friday Follow -Up. Although it’s not all sunshine and roses, there has been a definite improvement.  Big Brother and…

I’m Not a Referee…So Why Do I Keep Acting Like One?

The red card.  Also known as time-out, you’re done, please go to your room.  Lately, it seems we’ve been playing this game a lot and frankly, I don’t like it.  I’ve been keenly aware of the existence of the so-called sibling rivalry ever since I became pregnant with baby number two.  Hearing stories here and there…