Going to Kindergarten: It’s not always as simple as being “ready”

Delay Kindergarten at Your Child’s Peril. Those words glared at me from my inbox, daring me to read with great interest. Which of course, I did. My husband sent me this article to read…FYI…he says. Uh-huh, I skeptically think to myself…I will. Just days earlier I had hinted to my husband that perhaps it wasn’t…

Facing Teen Substance Abuse Head On

The teen years are fraught with emotion and peer pressure. Throw in the heavy issues of sex and exposure to drugs and alcohol, and you’ve got some potentially life-altering situations arising here. I can almost guarantee you that your teenage son or daughter will be offered alcohol, marijuana, cigarettes or other illicit drugs in his…

Follow up on bedwetting: feeling humiliated and the sleep link

Since this past Tuesday’s Dr.Mom column in The Sacramento Bee, where I discussed bedwetting and encouraged parents to try to relax and not worry so much; I’ve had several e-mails and comments. Two of which I believe deserve more attention, so I will expand on those today. Feeling Humiliated The first comment that really got…

Revealing the truth about bedwetting

Bed-wetting elicits feelings of guilt, helplessness, and shame among children and parents. Yet, it is benign and commonplace. How common? Fifteen percent of 5-year-olds will experience it. There is no need for guilt, shame – or worry, for that matter. Dr. Mom is here to debunk the common myths surrounding bed-wetting and reveal the truth….

Does the Tooth Fairy accept other forms of payment?

So Big Brother did something incredibly ingenious/sneaky/endearing (take your pick here) the other night. He was dutifully working on a “note” before bed. Concentrating really hard, taking his time to draw a nice picture. He even asked me how to “exactly spell” some words so there would be no confusion. When I finally asked what…

On Preventing Childhood Obesity

We hear so much about the obesity epidemic these days, and for good reason. In the past two decades, obesity has doubled in children and tripled in adolescents in the United States. While genetics plays a significant role in the risk for this condition, it does not tell the whole story. Predisposed doesn’t equal predestined….

For My Sweet Birthday Girl

Dear Little Sister, Tomorrow, you will be four…4! I honestly cannot believe it. And, oh my how you have been counting the days. So it is here. Your special day. A celebration just for you. Pink roses, Hello Kitty cupcakes, face painting, and for you to be the “Birthday Girl”. I wrote this for you…