What I am Loving About My Kids Right Now

Every age and developmental stage of our children has those moments. Those moments you wish would last forever. They do something new or completely adorable and you’re keenly aware that those moments are indeed fleeting. So you cling to them, bask in them, and cherish them. Of course, each stage also has those moments that…

Ask Dr.Mom on KCRA 3

I’m thrilled to announce that yesterday, I completed my first TV segment with Deirdre Fitzpatrick on KCRA, my 58. This is a Ask Dr.Mom segment in which viewers can submit their burning pediatric questions to Deirdre on her facebook site, or on the KCRA-3 facebook site. Yesterday, I answered three questions from viewers regarding picky…

She Jumped Right In

I never saw it coming. She jumped right in. Just the day before she was awash with tears, apprehension, and fear of the unknown. “I don’t want to go to swimming class!” Followed by crying and huge crocodile tears. She did really well during her swim lesson in spite of her tense anticipation. I was…

The Toddler Who Refuses to Nap

Toddlers and not napping are three words that never go well together. And yet, right around the ripe old age of two, many children start to put up quite the fight when it comes to naptime. Does this mean they don’t need a nap? Should I make my child take a nap? Help, my toddler…

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8 Truths About Vacation with Kids

1.  It takes two days to fully give in to vacation mode, so plan accordingly. This is how long it takes to deprogram yourself from the schedule and rules that seem so important when you’re at home. 2.  Then, it will take two full weeks to “un-vacation” yourself. Hence, the suitcases remain half packed and…

Spoonful of Sugar Please…Getting Your Child to Take His Medicine

Today’s Ask Dr.Mom’s post deals with the dreaded medicine struggle. What to do when faced with a crying child absolutely refusing to take her medication? I’m no Mary Poppins but I’ve got some tips to share. Dear Dr.Mom My daughter needs to take antibiotics but she is giving me such a hard time. Is there…

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Unplugged and More Than a Babysitter

This is the week hubs and I are essentially unplugged and enjoying summer vacation with our children. We were traveling on Father’s Day, so today I’d like to share with you a post I wrote in celebration of the hubs. It’s a re-run, but a good one at that. He’s a wonderful dad, and even though…