Swim and Water Safety for Children

Every late spring and early summer it begins. The start of swim lessons in our household. My children are 3 and 6, we don’t have a pool at home, nor do we visit one on a regular basis. And yet, I feel swimming is an essential skill all children should learn. Safety being the number…

A Promise to Savor Summer

There are no guarantees in parenting, are there? As I reflect on my most recent post, tears swiftly come to the surface. I’m still filled with self doubt, guilt, and worry about how I reacted to my darling boy’s honest admissions. Tiny infractions by my six year old that filled me with so many conflicting…


It’s a terrible feeling…to be disappointed in your child. A terrible feeling. He could see it in my eyes and hear it in my voice as he bared his soul to me that night. Yes, still my sweet boy…but different. Growing, learning, stumbling. Stumbling. His honesty pierced right through and kind of broke my heart….

Can Co-Sleeping Be Done Safely?

The co-sleeping (or bed sharing) debate rages on, and for good reason. We (pediatricians and parents alike) want to keep our babies safe. With this most recent article on  sleep safety and co-sleeping however, the conclusion seems a bit misleading. The unsafe sleep practices cited in this article, such as loose bedding, pillows, or sleeping…

A Sleepwalker Among Us

A reader recently wrote in to me, wondering how she should handle her son’s sleepwalking episodes. She says they occur several times a month. Mostly though, she just wants to know “how to handle the moments when he is standing in our room completely out of it.” I can completely understand how unnerving that must be….

My First Vlog: Keeping Baby Safe in the Sun

I’m taking the plunge…the vlogging plunge, that is. I’ve decided to start recording Video Shorts. I will be recording brief video tips on various parenting and child health topics. Please bear with me as I learn the fine art of vlogging, editing, sounding decent on camera, etc. I started with, How to Keep Your Baby…

Confessions of the Week

I’ve been on edge ever since Tuesday, the day my laptop decided to die. I was cut off from blogging and writing and that really put me in a bad mood. This could possibly explain the tone of this confessional post. My apologies for any lingering angst. I tried not to act like it was…