Growing Up Can Really Hurt

Dear Dr.Mom Are growing pains real? My older daughter has had them for years. They are always at night, always in her legs, and sometimes the pain brings her to tears. What can I do for her? —Tara Yes, growing pains are a real condition that can affect 25-40% of children between the ages of…

My Top 3 Parenting Mantras

Recently, I have been thinking, what wisdom would I impart to my new mom self if I could miraculously go  back in time? Besides telling myself not to worry so much and that yes, I should really sleep when the baby is sleeping…what have I actually learned in the last six years? What I’ve come…

The End of an Era

I’ve written about my 3 year old daughter’s love affair with the pacifier several times now. First, as part of her love trio: paci, blankie, and bear. Then, about whether or not I should pull the plug. Finally, I thought perhaps her and Suri Cruise might in fact become fast friends over their pacifier habits….

You Can Lead a Child to the Potty…

You know how the rest of the saying goes don’t you? You can lead a child to the potty, but you can’t make her pee. This is essentially my philosophy on potty training and highlights what I believe our role is as parents when potty training is concerned. Ultimately, the decision is up to our…

Parenting is Hard and I Survived the First Year

I believe the first year of blogging is akin to the first year of your baby’s life. It’s exhausting, all consuming, and filled with self-doubt. It is also filled with love, determination, and a surprising amount of passion. This week marks the one year anniversary of my blog. The official date is May 19th. It’s the…

What Every Parent Should Know About Kawasaki Disease

For today’s Ask Dr.Mom, I’ll be sharing important information with you regarding Kawasaki Disease. Recently, our friend’s son was diagnosed with this febrile illness. Luckily, he was diagnosed in a timely manner and received the appropriate treatment to prevent potentially life threatening consequences. His parents will be running a half marathon this coming June to…

Little Treasures

Is motherhood a thankless job? At times, it can certainly feel that way, can’t it? Coming off from the Mother’s Day high where we are gifted with sleeping in, breakfast not made by us, and adorable handmade cards from the ones who call us mom; there’s no doubt we felt the love and gratitude. But,…