Motherhood: The Journey that Binds

As mothers, we are as varied as they come. Some of us are full time stay at home moms who excel in all things crafty and homemade. Some of us work part time out of the house, as teachers, lawyers, doctors, or nurses. Some of us work full time and rush home to spend precious quality…

When it Comes to Breastfeeding, You and Baby Know Best

For today’s Ask Dr.Mom post, I will be sharing with you a question regarding breastfeeding that I answered for Health Tap. We keep the answers short but sweet there (200 characters), so I will share my original response and expand a bit for you. Q: When Should I Stop Breastfeeding? A: There is no “deadline”…

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Beauty and the Barbie

It was not long ago that I stood, confused, in the toy aisle of Target searching for a doll for my three year old daughter. I considered Barbie, then after 20 minutes of considering the potential ramifications of a toy on my daughter’s self-esteem, I thought better of it. I left Barbie on the shelf….

Desperately Seeking Balance

Well, I think the title pretty much says it all. This is not a riveting post by any standards, but something I have been struggling with all week. And…I know, I said that word, that terrible, ever elusive…balance. The idea of balance plagues me throughout all I do. And this morning as I look…

The Why, When, and How of Pacifier Weaning

Oh the pacifier. As parents, we seem to have a love/hate relationship with the silicone soother. At the start of my parenting journey, I was not a fan. But then…I gave in and popped one into my newborn son’s mouth. And you know what? It worked. I still harbored some negative feelings about that plastic…

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3 Going On 13

It’s a rainy day; we sit criss-cross applesauce on the living room floor. She holds out her hands to me and I instruct her to carefully rest them on the ottoman. The fireplace is burning brightly in the background. With a steady hand, I gently paint the sparkly pink nail polish on each tiny fingernail….

Happy Easter

I hope you and your families have a wonderful Easter weekend! We will be spending time with family, going on a few Easter egg hunts, and enjoying this time off with each other. What are your plans for Easter? Does the Easter Bunny visit your kids? Enjoy, have fun, and be safe.