Parents Say the Darnedest Things

Have you ever found yourself momentarily shocked at the words that just came out of your mouth? Sometimes, my husband and I catch the absurdity of the things we say to our children. We stop, look at each other, shake our heads, and laugh. Mostly though, these phrases are uttered on a daily basis and…

Fevers in Children…When to Treat

Dear Dr.Mom My 13 month old daughter has a fever, should I give her a fever reducer? I’ve been hearing so many conflicting opinions. What should I do? —Yuliya Fever is one of those things in our children that triggers a natural response from us as mothers…we want to treat it. Even I have been…

Boys Will Be Boys?

This is more of a question than a statement. As mother to a newly crowned six year old, this popular refrain weighs heavily on my mind. I had never given the notion that “boys will be boys” much credence. It’s a sentiment I’d often hear from parents observing their own boys pushing or shoving each…

My Daughter and Suri Cruise Would be Fast Friends

I couldn’t help but be drawn to the conversation and buzz this week over adorable Suri Cruise and the photo of her strolling along with pacifier in mouth. I have to be honest and say my first thought was not, oh my god, why is she still using a pacifier? Everyone seems compelled to weigh…

Strep Throat Dilemma

Dear Dr. Mom, I have a situation with strep that is making me crazy! My 12 year old has had strep at least 12 times in the past 8 months. Each time we treat with antibiotics. We’re REALLY good about following the dosing directions. Yet, at least half the time, the first round of antibiotics…

Forget the Mommy Wars, Offer Support Instead

I was just thinking the other day how much I need my mom friends. The ones I’m fortunate enough to have in real life and the ones (you) who come here, read, offer support, share your stories, and commiserate at times. All of you moms are incredibly important to me. It doesn’t matter to me whether…

In Support of Sleep

Getting your infant, toddler, or even preschooler to sleep through the night is tricky at best. If you are one of the lucky ones, you may have an “easy” sleeper. You know, the one that seems content after some rocking, singing, and nursing. Things just flow and voila…you actually have a baby that…”sleeps like a…