On the Radio

Tomorrow I will be hosting the Mom Hour on Heartbeat Radio for Women. I am so excited to be hosting this hour which starts at 12pm EST (that’s 9am PST). We will be discussing infant and child sleep. Sleep can be so elusive for moms of infants and young children. By understanding the basics of…

The DOs and DON’Ts of Preparing Your Child for Shots

—Dear Dr.Mom My son is going to be 5 in May. At his well child visit, he’s going to have to get a bunch of shots. Is there any way I can prepare him for this? I don’t want him to be surprised at the doctor when the needles come out, but I also don’t…

Just Once

I love Sundays…in theory. Sundays to me represent sleeping in and rolling out of bed when I can no longer stand the sunlight on my face. Sundays mean having a bottomless cup of hot coffee in my hand. Sundays mean leisurely reading the Sunday paper and pouring over the ads, not because I want to…

Life Well Said…I am on BlogHer Today

I am so extremely honored to be on BlogHer today. My post about  how parenting advice is like a GPS is being syndicated there. To say I am thrilled would be an understatement. BlogHer is a fantastic community created to celebrate, promote, and unite women bloggers from all over the world. Their mission is to…

It Happened to Me…

My child ingested a rogue pill. Don’t worry, she is okay. It was an Advil and apparently, it looked like an orange M&M. It certainly didn’t taste like one as she quickly discovered. Most of it was spit out, but it scared me and my reaction certainly scared her. The thing is, I had no…

Recurrent Ear Infections

For today’s Ask Dr.Mom’s post, we will be talking about those pesky ear infections (aka otitis media). Specifically, the ones that keep coming back. Dear Dr.Mom I have a child who is prone to ear infections. Is there anything we can do to avoid them? —Kent When our children become ill we almost always wonder…

Beauty Sleep

Beauty sleep, apparently it’s no myth. I’m over at Our Mommyhood today, extolling the virtues of sleep. I know that we have all heard this before but for some reason, way too many of us fall short. I always need a good reminder to get back on track. Sleep is that important. So, go check out…