From Cable Cars in San Francisco to a Sad Santa Misadventure

Winter break with my little family of four has been many things for these past two weeks. I relished in our closeness as we played games by the fire. I almost pulled all my hair out listening to the endless bickering between Big Brother and Little Sister as they spent the last two weeks with…

Happy New Year

I honestly cannot believe that today is the last day of 2010. When other, wiser people, told me that time will fly once you have children…I had no idea what they were talking about. Until now of course. Seeing as I still have my wall calendar on March 2010, you could say that yes, time…

Ask Dr.Mom is on Winter Break

My regular feature, Ask Dr.Mom, is on winter break with my kids. I’ll have this weekly post back up on Wednesday January 5th. In the meantime, I hope everyone enjoyed Christmas and is now looking forward to ringing in the New Year! Remember to submit your parenting or health related questions to mommamd4two(at)aol(dot)com. I have…

Fake and Clumpy

What we did this Christmas that I hope to continue for years to come: Cruise a nearby neighborhood where each house is lit up like a winter wonderland. We get the kids all cozy in their PJs and make a loop or two. We probably make this drive 3-4 times per week. I love to…

After Midnight

                             It’s Christmas Eve circa 1980ish and my sisters and I are up late waiting to attend midnight mass at our local Catholic church. Normally, the idea of going to church did not thrill me. However, on this night, dressed in our Christmas best, I looked forward to making that midnight trek. We were up…

Posts from Ask Dr.Mom Past

My regular feature, Ask Dr.Mom, is on winter break with my kids. I’ll have this weekly post back up on Wednesday January 5th. In the meantime, I hope everyone is enjoying these last few days before Christmas! Remember to submit your parenting or health related questions to mommamd4two(at)aol(dot)com. I have one more questions lined up, after…

The Santa Wrap Detective

Last Christmas I was trying to be very unlike myself and get all my presents wrapped before Christmas Eve. Usually, I am up until 3am wrapping the Santa presents while watching one of my favorite Christmas movies, fire crackling in the background. This all sounds very quaint and oh so Christmasy but I pay for…