A Sign of the Times…”Screaming Children Will Not be Tolerated!”

Have you seen or heard about this lately? A North Carolina restaurant has posted a sign on their window that reads: “Screaming Children will NOT be tolerated!” And yes, it is written exactly like that. I approach this issue with great trepidation as there seems to be a huge divide between supporters of this sign…

The Beauty of a Girl

Three years ago you came into the world, silent, eyes wide. It didn’t take long for you to find your voice. And that you did. You are your Mama’s eyes. Your Daddy’s nose. The beauty of your smile is all your own. The daintiness of your body is offset by your strength of spirit. You…

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Give Yourself Time

This week has been a struggle. I know we all have them, it’s inevitable. However, until today, I couldn’t put my finger on what has been nagging at me. I’ve been wandering aimlessly through the days. Staring at the overflowing laundry list of things needing to be done…and nothing. No motivation. No idea where to…

Put Me in the Zoo

Besides being the title to a great children’s book by Robert Lopshire, Put Me in the Zoo seems very fitting right now. Why you might ask? Because I feel I am in the zoo. The zoo has come to me my friends. Albeit, my zoo is on a much smaller scale. There are no chimpanzees,…

Back to School Illnesses…Please Don’t Spread the Lovebugs

On Monday, Queenie over at Planet Pink graciously hosted my post about the back to school “lovebugs”. I am re-posting it here today with a few additions because it seems some of these illnesses are sweeping through our school. As it stands, we have already had 3 absences in our short 4 weeks into Kindergarten and…

Crazy Soccer Mom

I fear if I’m not careful, this is what I’ll become…the crazy soccer mom. I’m not talking about the cliche “soccer mom” that has evolved into its own strange entity. Not the “soccer mom” with a million negative connotations. I’m not going there. I’m simply talking about a mom whose kid plays soccer and she…

Birth Order Shmirth Order

After reading all your wonderful and supportive comments on Tuesday’s post regarding my daughter and the unfortunate fish incident, I decided I indeed needed to lighten up and get some perspective here. Yes, it was sad (“my fish, my fish”) because I can still picture her tear streaked face. However….hello? She probably doesn’t even remember it. Thank you…