Dealing With Your Daily Dose of Mommy Guilt

I really enjoyed reading all your comments and perspectives on mommy guilt.  Yes, it’s universal and as my husband pointed out, even dads are prone to it (okay honey, I get it, the whole Cat’s in the Cradle thing). So, in an effort to deal with our daily dose of mommy guilt, I’d like to share some (hopefully)…

The First Symptom of Pregnancy

No, it’s not the nausea, fatigue, or tender breasts…I believe the first symptom of pregnancy has got to be the Mommy Guilt. We’re all afflicted by it and if you think about it, mommy guilt was probably the first pang of pregnancy you felt. Case in point, what did you do immediately after realizing that…

Searching For The Pot of Gold

As most moms know, finding sleep with a newborn in the house is like searching for a pot of gold…ever elusive and yet the reward is what keeps us searching. Those of you who read my post, The Accidental Co-Sleeper, know that I did eventually find it, however, the path that finally led us there was…

The Accidental Co Sleeper

How exactly did I become the accidental co-sleeper?  Out of pure desperation.  I imagine this is how most co-sleeping begins. Our culture is not one that supports or condones this kind of arrangement.  So, you see, being a pediatrician and first time mother, I too subscribed to the thought that babies sleep in cribs. That’s…

Lessons From The Yogurt Lady

Poor yogurt lady, She has no idea I keep harping on her, but surprisingly, I learned a few things from her.  (By the way, that’s an olive branch…I’m extending it.)  If you have no idea who I’m talking about, click here, for the juicy details about our grocery store mishap. Okay, here’s what I learned: There are…

The…Not So…Silent Type

I enjoy quiet time just as much as the next person, but lately I feel like we’ve been shushing our kids a little too much.  Mostly, I’m talking about when we’re out in public.  While I agree, we need to teach our kids the so-called rules of engagement when out and about, constantly asking them to quiet…

Toys Are For Sharing and Hands Are For Holding

If you happened to miss my Tuesday post, I touched upon the dreaded sibling rivalry (a term I am not fond of) and vowed to hang up my referee hat and see what happens.  So here is my Friday Follow -Up. Although it’s not all sunshine and roses, there has been a definite improvement.  Big Brother and…