Welcome… You Made My Day!

No that’s not me, but that’s how I feel…I’m basking in the sunshine!  Why? Because I’m one of the featured bloggers for Friday Potluck over at SITS !  I really cannot believe it, I’m flat out stunned.  Thank you Tiffany and Heather, the wonderful founders of SITS ( The Secret is in the Sauce).  It is…

I’m Not a Referee…So Why Do I Keep Acting Like One?

The red card.  Also known as time-out, you’re done, please go to your room.  Lately, it seems we’ve been playing this game a lot and frankly, I don’t like it.  I’ve been keenly aware of the existence of the so-called sibling rivalry ever since I became pregnant with baby number two.  Hearing stories here and there…

Sometimes, Dad Knows Best

`  Picture this:  an extremely exhausted new mom (me) desperate for a shower (it’s been too long).  Enter well-rested dad (sorry honey, but true) who offers to hold newborn son so she can slip away (thanks honey).  No sooner had 20 seconds elapsed since the pass off and darling baby boy starts wailing.  New mom hesitates…

Follow-Up Friday: The Cautious Fish and the Super Chick

Thanks to all of you who shared the “growing pains” that you’re going through right now. I love to hear your stories. Again, feel free to comment on this post if you have some “growing pain” moments to share. Okay, so my follow-up Friday is still a work in progress. My goal is to “follow-up”…

Growing Pains

As the week begins, I cannot deny what is foremost on my mind: my little boy is growing up. He would, by the way, correct me and say “no, I’m not a little boy, I’m a big boy”. And so he is. As we approach his pre-school graduation, it is hitting me like a brick…

It’s Follow-Up Friday!

Thank you to all who commented and shared your opinions and experiences on the vaccine subject. I realize it can be a sensitive issue. I LOVE receiving your comments so if you still feel like you have something to share on this subject, please do! Also, I wanted to share with you a book I…

You Did What?!: Part Two

As promised, here I am, back to share my safety blunders. In all seriousness, I share them to bring awareness to what can commonly go wrong when we let our guards down or overlook common child proofing basics. I am guilty of this as well even when I thought we were completely covered. So here…