You Did What?! : Baby Proofing Mom

Well in true confessional style I am here to share a couple of safety mistakes I’ve made. No, not so you can point, stare, and say “and she is a pediatrician?”. No, I am hoping you’ll think more along the lines of “well it can happen to the best us”. Whatever your reaction may be,…

My Kids Watched Too Much TV Today

Two hours and twenty minutes to be exact. That happens to be 20 more minutes than is recommended by the AAP. So yes, I feel a little guilty. However, in my defense it is closing in on the end of a long week for us here. Me with the kids 24/7 while my poor hubby…

I Freak Out When My Kids Get Hurt

Okay, so maybe not such a big deal…I’m sure many Moms do right? Well, you would think with my background I’d be able to have some calm and perspective. While this is true for every other child I encounter, when it comes to mine…I seriously lose all objectivity. I am definitely an over reactor when…

My First Post: How It Came To Be

So why do I think I have some “Confessions” to make? Let’s see…because my life has thus far turned out wonderfully different than I thought it would. First of all, if you asked me 6 years ago what I would be doing now…staying at home with my children would not have been my answer. I…