Got a teen on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter? Then you should be there too

Teens, smartphones, Facebook, Instagram, and a myriad of other “social” apps. What do they have in common? Well they simply go together these days. Just look around and if you spot a teen, he/she is likely virtually connected, phone firmly in hand. The social landscape has certainly changed since our own teen years and it’s…

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Moments of magic amid ordinary days

So the other day we were sitting down for dinner, and my daughter suddenly blurted out…I’m going to be the best mom ever. I looked at her and smiled. So sweet. I indulge myself with reassuring thoughts that I  must be doing a pretty good job. She sees me and thinks, yeah…I want to be…

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Quick tips on introducing your baby to solid food

When Not before 4 months of age. Studies have shown that babies introduced to solid foods before then are at increased risk of obesity, diabetes, celiac disease, and eczema. Not to mention that it can interfere with breastfeeding. For exclusively breastfed infants, 6 months is the ideal time to introduce baby’s first foods. In general,…

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3 reasons to NOT shame your teen on Facebook

It’s a disturbing trend and one I’ve seen take off in the past year…parents taking to the Internet to embarrass and shame their children for certain missteps and transgressions. From kids standing on street corners holding large signs spilling the truth about ways they have wronged their parents to Facebook posts and/or pictures of kids…

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Poison Prevention Week: Keep an eye on these 5 danger zones

If you have a toddler or preschooler, then you know they are a fast and curious bunch. They love exploring, and at this age they inspect with their mouths first and ask questions later. While a little dirt or sand never really hurt a toddler; unintentional ingestion of medications or chemicals can suddenly put you…

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Why does my baby hate tummy time?

This is a question I hear from parents of babies all the time. I know we should be doing tummy time, but every time I place him on this stomach, he just starts crying. I really think he hates it. Well, maybe…but maybe not. Sometimes us parents need to tweak our perspective a bit and…

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Can food allergies be prevented?

With the increasing prevalence of food allergies among children (now up to 5% of all children less than 5 years old), being able to pinpoint preventive measures would come as a huge welcome to both parents and medical providers alike. And while we know that the development of food allergies is a highly complex mix…

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