Constipation: Surprising truths and tips for relief

Constipation is an extremely common childhood condition. One I deal with almost on a daily basis in clinic and one that can be surprisingly hard to get control of. Parents are often at a loss on what to do about something that is causing their child significant discomfort, but also something they feel should be…

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Flu facts and keeping your family well

No doubt you’ve been hearing lots about the flu this week. And with good reason. The CDC tracks flu activity every year and this year they are reporting higher than normal flu cases across the U.S., with 47 states being hit pretty hard. It has peaked ealier than normal and this could be worrisome if…

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Tips for a resistant sleeper

Got a resistant sleeper? You know the one. The one who pulls out every last bedtime stall technique and sweetly calls your name…repetitively at 3am…until you drag yourself into his room for a midnight tuck in and/or cuddle. If you hadn’t guessed, we do have a resistant sleeper and have been through more than our…

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Looking back, moving forward

Happy New Year! As you head into the new year, may you reflect on all that 2012 was to you. The good, the bad, and the simply amazing. May the New Year bring you and your loved ones much love, good health, kindness, laughter, and open doors leading to exciting new adventures. I’ll be surrounded…

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Nothing and Everything

I still cannot even speak the words. Like all of you, I’ve been reading about it since the horrific news flashed across my computer screen on Friday morning. I’ve even gone on live television and have written a column for my local newspaper discussing ways to talk with your children about this tragedy. But still…I…

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It’s a good thing you’re not perfect! Guest post by Dr. Laura Markham

**I can’t tell you how honored and excited I am to have Dr. Laura Markham from Aha! Parenting here today with this wonderful, insightful, and encouraging guest post. I’ve been a fan of hers for a while now and regularly read her words of wisdom and advice when it comes to this roller coaster that…

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An unwelcome detour turned into an unforgettable moment

**It’s that time of the year, when the Christmas rush starts to loom down on all of us. Stress can easily seep into what should be a more enjoyable time of year. But…it’s inevitable…there’s just so much to do. So…in my effort to bask in the holiday moments with my family, I thought I’d share…

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